WR Information
Curbs Position
Golf Car Policy
Wilderness Ridge Neighborhood Alert
Occasionally, something happens in the neighborhood that requires special attention like a burglary, vandalism or theft. If you haven’t signed up for the Wilderness Ridge Neighborhood Alert, please download the Nextdoor App and join the neighborhood.
Street Trees
Street trees are to be obtained from Campbell’s Nursery (ask for Andy Campbell). Trimming of the trees or replacement is the responsibility of the homeowner.
Parking on The Street
Our streets in Wilderness Ridge are narrower than city residential streets. As a result, if vehicles are parked on both sides of the street in the same area, large trucks and especially emergency vehicles will not be able to pass through. We have been told by Lincoln Fire and Police Departments that if necessary, they will cross lawns or ram through cars parked too close together in order to get to an emergency. It is incumbent upon all of us as homeowners to be aware of this and promote clear traffic flow on our streets. Accordingly, if a homeowner knows they are having a gathering that will cause extra car congestions, they should use their discretion as to which side of the street to have their guests park and post “No Parking” signs on the opposite side. Please leave plenty of room for traffic flow throughout the neighborhood. All HOA Board members have “No Parking” signs for your use when needed.
Delinquent Dues
Almost all of our property owners pay their HOA dues on time. There are a few that have not paid and as a result, liens have been filed on their property. If you get notice that this has happened to you please call Shannon Brydl – Hocking & Schulenberg – 402.441.0140. She will be able to tell you the amount owed including a $50 late fee, filing fees & 16% interest.